Sunday, August 8, 2010

What do you love?

Seriously? What is it that you dream of becoming? This is a question that I am sure many people ask at different points in their lives. But why is it that some people actually do what they love and some don't? There are times I have to deal with myself and purpose not to get angry or jealous because someone is living out there dream and I feel like I have not arrived.

We hear "Dream Big" quite often, and we DO have big dreams. But in reality, we are choosing to allow our own excuses, past hurts, etc. hold us back from ever walking them out. Some people will say, "Well, you need to know God's will for your life." Ok. I do know God's will for my life. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "For I know the plans I have for you...plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Pretty simple. So, now what? There are desires, dreams, visions we've had, places we desire to go, and ministries we want to be apart of that are just waiting for us! God has given us endless possibilities to what we are capable of accomplishing. I went to a meeting one Sunday evening, and William (Bill) Vanderbush was speaking on people getting hung up on the will of God. He simply said there is no one perfect thing God has for you to do. There are many things you do that bring Him joy and happiness. He loves you. He wants to please you, prosper you. He said, "it would be like me taking my kids to Toys-R-Us, and telling them there is one perfec toy in this store that I will for them to have. If you don't pick that specific toy, then you are out of my will. Make sense?

When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, they could have eaten from any other tree in the ENTIRE garden. Anything they chose would bring God pleasure because He simply loves and delights in them. He could have not placed the tree of the knowledge of good and evil in the garden, but with love comes a choice. So He placed it in the garden. Adam and Eve chose poorly. There are paths we can choose to take that lead to destruction, but there are MANY paths we can take that don't.

God delights in us. He loves when we sing, dance, decorate, stay home with our kids, work, do cartwheels, cllimb trees, take out the trash, etc....He just loves us. Take some time to think about what you delight in that brings God so much joy to watch you do....and do it. :)

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